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Welcome to the JellyFish Mining Pool
Low fees but high rewards. Powered by Warthog with the ability to merge mine the community’s very own JellyFishCoin.
Using your web3 wallet address, sign your worker up and watch the JellyFC pile up into your account while your Warthog wallet fills up!
All you need to connect your miners to the best and only Warthog Merge Mining Pool:
Payout Scheme: PPLNS
Minimum Payment: 24 Hours payout time with a minimum balance of 1 Wart
Pool Fee: 0.8%
Connection: stratum+tcp://
(Difficulty Variable / 128000000 ↔ 80000000000)
Alternate: stratum+tcp://
(Difficulty Variable / 256000000 ↔ ∞)
Merge mining allows you to mine Jelly Fish Coin simultaneously with Warthog. Follow these steps to get started:
For further assistance, please refer to the Jelly Fish Coin documentation on the web3 portal knowledge library or contact our support team.
Calculate your daily profits using our external calculator.
Calculator Daily Profits Here